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Project LabelWriter
Description We have a label writer, get it working on any platform!
Status Active
Contact metalgamer


We have a Dymo LabelManager Wireless PnP.



It prints, but the data is not correctly positioned, so it is practically unusable! If you got any clues on how to get a correct configuration, please let me know!


First we need to install the dymo-cups-drives package from the AUR.

Next we need to install the usb_modeswitch package using pacman.

Now create the file /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/dymo-labelmanager-wireless-pnp.conf with the following content:

<sxh> # Dymo LabelManager PnP

DefaultVendor= 0x0922 DefaultProduct=0x1007

TargetVendor= 0x0922 TargetProduct= 0x1008

MessageEndpoint= 0x01 ResponseEndpoint=0x01

MessageContent="1b5a01" </sxh>

Now run usb_modeswitch -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/dymo-labelmanager-wireless-pnp.conf as root.

Download the following PPD file to /usr/share/cups/model/lmwpnp.ppd

Now add the printer to CUPS and you're should be good to go.